Park Royal Dentistry

Dental Clinic in West Mississauga, Clarkson & Oakville


2425 Truscott Drive, Unit 17 (the Park Royal Plaza) in Mississauga, Clarkson, L5J 2B4

Patient Education: Root Canal Treatment

January 20, 2016 | Patient Education

Root Canal Treatment

What is a root canal?

Underneath your tooth’s outer enamel and within the dentin is an area of soft tissue called the pulp tissue. While a tooth’s pulp tissue does contain nerve fibers, it is also composed of arteries, veins, lymph vessels, and connective tissue. Each tooth’s nerve enters the tooth at the very tip of its roots. From there, the nerve runs through the center of the root in small “root canals,” which join up with the tooth’s pulp chamber.

Why do I feel pain?

When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to a deep cavity or fracture, the blood supply to the tooth may be lost and the tooth pulp may die. Damaged or dead pulp causes increased blood fl ow and activity in the tooth’s cells. Pressure may build within a tooth that cannot be relieved, causing pain that is commonly felt when biting down, chewing, or consuming hot or cold foods and drinks.

Why might I need root canal treatment?

Without treatment, the infection will spread and bone around the tooth will begin to degenerate, possibly causing the tooth to fall out. Pain usually worsens until you are forced to seek dental attention.

What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is a procedure that removes the damaged or dead pulp. The canal is reshaped and filled a rubber-like material to prevent recontamination of the tooth. The tooth is then permanently sealed.

What is involved in root canal procedure?

If your general dentist recommends a root canal, he or she will perform the treatment or refer you for treatment to an endodontist, which is a specialist who treats injuries, diseases, and infections of the tooth pulp. A space is created into the tooth’s pulp chamber, which, along with any infected root canal, is cleaned of all diseased pulp and reshaped. Medication may be inserted into the area to fight bacteria. Depending on the condition of the tooth, the crown may then be sealed temporarily to guard against recontamination or the dentist may immediately fill the root canals. Temporary fillings are usually removed and the pulp chamber and canals are filled on the next visit. If the tooth is still weak, a post may be inserted above the canal filling to help rebuild the tooth. Once filled, the area is permanently sealed. Finally, a porcelain crown is normally placed over the tooth to strengthen its structure and improve its appearance.